Welcome to our first blog!

January 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Hello & welcome to my very first blog.

This will probably be boring so personally i'd switch off now and go watch our slideshow showcasing some of our recent weddings and studio work!

As I get into this then I will keep you uptodate with information regarding us, the company, special offers and any other wedding or photography information.

If you wish to contribute by posting comments or asking for information then please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are reading this then I will assume that you already know Jane and I, who are Charisma Photography Yorkshire, but for those that don't know us, or havent met us yet, then I will add some personal details another time.

The last few years have seen us go from strength to strength offering a professional and friendly wedding photography service whilst at the same time managing to keep the rates down for everyone in these tough times.


Sharon & Paul July 2013

The first couple of months of 2014 were initially looking quiet which was actually very welcome and gave me a chance to not only change and update the website but also to change suppliers of our gallery hosting which is where we post all of the wedding photos for clients under individual password protected galleries enabling the happy couple to pass the login details to friends and families so they in turn can buy prints, canvases and wall art without having to 'hassle' the poor couple for copies of the disc etc.

As you will have gathered, the time has also been spent starting this blog, which I hope will be informative for clients, and i will shortly be joing twitter too. In the meantime you can follow our recent work on facebook http://www.facebook.com/charismaphotographyyorkshire

Unfortunately though things are going a little slower than planned as since Christmas we have had a considerable number of orders for albums and canvases from couples that were married in 2013.  Excellent news to get the orders but it does mean that some of the marketing has taken a backstep and will only be done i between the work for clients.

Weddings in 2014

As with the album orders 2014 is looking busy for weddings and we thank everyone for choosing to put your trust in us.

Anyone who is still looking to book their photographer then please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment to come and see/discuss our work and what we may be able to do for you.

We shall be at numerous wedding fayres in the next couple of months so please come and say hello!

2nd February - Leeds United Pavillion

16th February - Cedar Court Ainleys

9th March - Shibden Hall

16th March - Imperial Crown Halifax



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